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What’s New - WORKS-IN-PROGRESS HOUSE OF LOST SOULS When she is asked to Feng Shui the home of Harriet Lansing, a recently murdered widow, Salome Waterhouse discovers more than the usual bad Feng Shui—the neighborhood itself is awash in Feng Shui misdemeanors. Not what one would imagine in such a posh part of Kansas City, Missouri. At a dinner hosted by one of the neighbors, renowned silversmith Amanda Spear, whose extraordinary tableware can be found in the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Design, one of Amanda’s intricately crafted carving knives ends up in the neck of a guest and the quest for a killer escalates. This book introduces fledgling Feng Shui practitioner Corey Waterhouse, Salome’s 19 year-old niece, whom she is mentoring, and begins a new branch of the Feng Shui mysteries. Cunan M’Ban, The Society of Women. When the disappearance of her anthropologist mother breaks-up the family, 6 year-old Dana Scott vows to find her. In her late teens and finally old enough to fulfill that vow, she sets out, leaving the abusive family that has fostered her for ten years. Along the way, she discovers clues to an underground society of powerful women, who, for millennia, have devoted their lives to the Great Goddess and the preservation of the natural world. The more Dana learns, the greater the dangers she faces from age-old forces determined to suppress the truth of the Goddess, a truth her mother was willing to die for. From the Australian outback to the lush Virginia countryside, to African forests and Scottish glens, and to Ireland’s ancient burial mounds, Dana’s journey takes her deep into the mysteries of the natural world, of women, and of the Goddess herself. THE TALES OF ABALONIA This children’s novella follows the adventures of Queen Pearl and her aquatic friends as they struggle to improve the conditions of life in the undersea Queendom of Abalonia. (Near completion, we’re now considering homes for the book.)
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